
Matija Nakić

Co-founder and CEO
My name is Matija Nakić. I've built my career in the field of Enterprise software. I did everything from a developer to VP of Products. I worked with amazing teams to deliver superb products for Fortune 500 companies.

I’m now the co-founder and CEO of Farseer. Farseer is Excel on steroids. Our spreadsheets have a database – connected to your business data. In Farseer, you can build spreadsheets in minutes. For example, drop a list of all employees and their bonuses for last year. You can add visual reports and share the spreadsheet with your team. Farseer is used for modeling, planning, reporting, and what-if scenarios across all departments.

Our customers eliminated thousands of spreadsheets which saved them 1-3 FTEs. Farseer is used by Hrvatski Telekom, Končar grupa, Violeta, EoS Matrix, Lelo, and many others. You can join them at

I’m also a proud mom, an avid reader, a fat athlete, and a very lousy piano player.