_JEL2947 final final

Dea Maria Računica

Actress and doula

Dea Maria Računica is a mother, a graduate actress, a doula, and a childbirth educator in the certification process. She became a mother at the age of 17 and soon after a single parent as well. Her experience of childbirth and postpartum led her to create a documentary solo performance about postpartum depression titled “Novorođena” (Newborn), that turned out to be a real success in Croatia. Dea Maria and her monodrama speak on behalf of all women and mothers, finally addressing the unspoken. Alongside her acting career, Dea Maria actively works with pregnant women and mothers, supporting them on their journey to motherhood. To provide even better support to mothers, Dea Maria recently enrolled in another education program in America titled “Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics: Skills for working with birth trauma that include the baby’s experience.”

copyright Jelena Balic za Elle Hrvatska