What is luxury today?

Different times bring different trends, thinking and value systems. Thus, the flashy and flashy luxury of the 80s of the last century does not go well with today's minimalism, which is characterized by the motto "less is more". What does luxury represent to us today? Is it a trip, a family weekend get-together, a diamond or time that we steal for ourselves in a chaotic schedule? Why does our perception of luxury change over time and what defines the value of something that represents luxury?

Society for the change

Although we have laws that should protect every individual, we still face the reality where some people remain just a number. There are still numerous problems which we cannot resolve so easily, and unfortunately the system still has a hard time accepting the ideas suggested ny civil society. Why is it difficult to integrate them? What can we do to make changes faster and more efficient? Can the methodology of the scientific community and the ideas of experts help feminism today? Jelena Veljača, Tonkica Rudan, Karla Pudar from the Solidarna Fund will talk about visibility, realization and implementation of goals.

Start the change in your backyard

Working for your city means starting from your own environment. Working for your county means understanding the importance of the contribution and synergy of all the cities and municipalities that make it up. And to make your environment attractive and desirable to guests from all over the world means highlighting the totality of its beauty and tradition, its autochthonousness and uniqueness. As simple as it sounds, women who are challenged to put these goals into action have gone through a long and thorny road from an idea to public acceptance and recognition. "Women from the field" will talk about what that path looked like, where and in what they find motivation, how ideas that change their environment arise and why some are realized faster, and others, it seems, difficult and slow.

What ESG means for us women?

ESG – the main topic of all companies at the moment. But do we know why? In this lecture, we will not talk about the transformation of business, but we will talk about what ESG means for us women, how it has stimulated the story of diversity and how to become sustainable.