Beating Excel one sheet at a time – David vs. Goliath

Excel is the most dangerous app in the world. It's used by >1 billion people and it's costing the global economy hundreds of billions of dollars.

You must have heard about the infamous errors of JP Morgan, Kodak, and Barcley’s Capital. But there is a much higher cost for humanity. The cost of lost human potential.

As great as Excel is for personal use, it is not built for data-heavy, multi-user scenarios. At Farseer, we are building Excel on steroids. Our mission is to provide businesses with an ultimate modeling and decision-making hub. We want to empower our users to drive all their business processes by creating new apps in Farseer.

Farseer already won the hearts of the biggest brands in the region: Hrvatski Telekom, Končar Grupa, Delta Group, JGL, and many others. This is just the beginning of our global expansion. Come and see how we fight the Goliath one sheet at a time.

Co-founder and CEO