Sudionik Govornik

Vedrana Sobotinčić

I was born in Croatia, and now living in Zagreb for almost 7 years with my husband. I enjoy travelling and throughout my career I lived and worked in countries such as Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, The Philippines, Serbia.. I…

Paulina Ende

Originally hails from Rijeka, Croatia, where she completed her studies and obtained a master’s degree in economics, marking the start of her career journey. For the past 8 years, Zagreb has been her cherished home base. Her professional career so…

Milica Stevanović

Authentic and sincere, Milica Stevanović has distinguished herself in the world of personal development as a lifecoach and emotional release therapist who approaches problems and life challenges in an ordinary and understandable way. Her programs and workshops are a direct…

Ivana Mrkonjić

Mrs. Ivana Mrkonjić is a physicist by education, with PhD in theoretical solid state physics. She taught for several years at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Zagreb, then held the position of advisor at the…

Žaklina Tatalović

Born in Belgrade, ended up in journalism by chance, on her way to medical school. Same bus drove to both univerisites, but because of expected bombing of Serbia those days it stoped only in front of Faculty for Political Science,…

Karla Grgić Totić

Karla Grgić Totić is a Senior Manager and Sustainability and Climate Country Leader in the Risk Department at Deloitte CE South based in Deloitte Croatia office in Zagreb. She has more than 7 years of experience in the field of…

Ana Skinner

Ana Skinner (1984.) is a creative producer with 15 years of experience in the film and multimedia industry. During that time she has also established herself as a columnist, screen writer and script doctor. Since 2023 she has been working…